Source code for filtration

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**Wavelet Based in CUSUM control chart for filtering signals Project (module**
``statsWaveletFilt.statisticFilter`` **):** Top level functions to filter
wavelet coefficients using consagrated methods (``threshold``) and using
Control Chart CUSUM (``cusum``) proposed in my Undergraduate Thesis, together
with prof. Dr. Fábio Mariano Bayer and prof. Dr. Alice de Jesus Kozakevicius
called *Análise do gráfico de controle CUSUM para a filtragem de coeficientes
wavelet*, in portuguese for the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2°/2018).

*Created by Tiarles Guterres, 2018*

[docs]def filtration(coefficients, method='visu', p=3, mode='hard', dim_t=1024): ''' Filters the wavelet coefficients returned by the pywt.wavedec function. All methods are implemented and showed in [1]. Parameters ---------- coefficients: list of 1-D array-like The wavelet coefficients and the scale coefficients of the last level. The scale coefficients isn't modify by the filtration. method: string Optional, is 'visu' by default. p: int or float Optional, is 3 by default. mode: string Optional, is 'hard' by default. Returns ------- tuple: A tuple with [0] A list if numpy.array. The wavelet coefficients truncated by the choiced method, with scale coefficients. Ready for pywt.waverec function. (a little 'tip') and [1] a list of float. The lambda value used for each wavelet coefficient level. See also -------- cusumFiltration: Function that use Cumulative Sum Control Chart and some variation for filter wavelet coefficients. References ---------- .. [1] KOZAKEVICIUS, A. D. J.; BAYER, F. M. Filtragem de sinais via limiarização de coeficientes wavelet. Ciência e Natura, v. 36, p. 37–51, 2014. In portuguese. ''' from statsWaveletFilt.threshold import lambdasVisuShrink, \ lambdasSureShrink, lambdasBayesShrink, lambdasSPC_Threshold import numpy as np import pywt scaleCoeff = coefficients[0] wavCoeff = coefficients[1:] if p == 3 and method == 'spc': print(('ADVICE: The p value for spc method used is ' + 'equal to default, 3!')) if dim_t == 1024 and method == 'sure': print(('ADVICE: The t-dimension value for sure method used is equal ' + 'to default, 1024!')) if method == 'visu': lambdaValues = lambdasVisuShrink(wavCoeff) elif method == 'sure': lambdaValues = lambdasSureShrink(wavCoeff, dim_t) elif method == 'bayes': lambdaValues = lambdasBayesShrink(wavCoeff) elif method == 'spc': lambdaValues = lambdasSPC_Threshold(wavCoeff, p=p) wavCoeff2 = [np.array(list(wavCoeff_i)) for wavCoeff_i in wavCoeff] for j in range(len(wavCoeff2)): wavCoeff2[j] = pywt.threshold(wavCoeff2[j], lambdaValues[j], mode) coefficients2 = [scaleCoeff] coefficients2.extend(wavCoeff2) return coefficients2, lambdaValues
[docs]def cusumFiltration(coefficients, h=5, k=1/2, method='cusumTrad'): ''' Filters the wavelet coefficients returned by the pywt.wavedec function using the Cumulative Sum Control Chart (CUSUM) [1]. Parameters --------- wavCoeff: list of array-like. Wavelet coefficients h: int, float or array-like Optional, 5 by default [1]. See "method" parameter. k: int, float or array-like Optional, 1/2 (or .5) by default [1]. See "method" parameter. method: string Optional, "cusumTrad" by default. If "method" is "cusumTrad" the Control Chart considered to filter the wavalet coefficients is the same considered in [1]. If the control limit (called **SjB** and **Sjs** here) is bigger than threshold limit the wavelet coefficient corresponded will be zero. In this "method" "k" and "h" will be constant and equals for all wavelet coefficients in all levels, the [1] recomend h = 5 and k = 1/2, but you can change or just not alterate. But if "method" is "cusumDecay" occurs the same in "cusumTrad" relative to truncation form but the "k" and "h" will be like is described in [2]. Or if "method" is "cusumAdap" will be the same of the "cusumDecay" but the user can be choice who values of "h" and "k" will be for each wavelet level. Returns ------- tuple: A tuple with [0] A list if numpy.array. The wavelet coefficients truncated by the choiced method, with scale coefficients. Ready for pywt.waverec function. (a little 'tip'), [1] a list of float. The "k" values used for each wavelet coefficient level and [2] a list of float. The "h" values used for each wavelet coefficient level. See also -------- filtration: Function that use this function to filter via wavelet coefficients pywt.wavedec: Function that decomposes the signal in wavelet and scale coefficients pywt.waverec: Function that recomposes the signal from wavelet and scale coefficients References ---------- .. [1] MONTGOMERY, D. C. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Sixth edition. United States: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009. 733 p. .. [2] GUTERRES, T. D. R. M.; BAYER, F. M; KOZAKEVICIUS, A. D. J. (2018) Análise do gráfico de controle CUSUM para filtragem de coeficientes wavelet, Undergraduation Thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. In portuguese. ''' from statsWaveletFilt.cusum import analysisCusum, thresholdCusum import numpy as np scaleCoeff = coefficients[0] wavCoeff = coefficients[1:] wavCoeff2 = [np.array(list(wavCoeff_i)) for wavCoeff_i in wavCoeff] if method == 'cusumTrad': h2 = [h] * len(wavCoeff2) k2 = [k] * len(wavCoeff2) elif method == 'cusumDecay': print(('ADVICE: This method was addaptated to 5 levels of wavelet ' + 'coefficients [2]! For more levels the method will be ' + 'readapted, no garanties of performance')) k2 = [k] * len(wavCoeff2) j_lvl = np.arange(0, len(wavCoeff), 1) h2 = -7*np.log10(.201 * (len(wavCoeff) - j_lvl)) elif method == 'cusumAdap': # A serie of raises! # 1) Check the 'k' and 'h' parameter types if not isinstance(k, (list, np.ndarray)): raise Exception("Parameter 'k' isn't a list or numpy.array") if not isinstance(h, (list, np.ndarray)): raise Exception("Parameter 'h' isn't a list or numpy.array") # 2) Check if the size the array-like parameters is the same to the # wavelet coefficients if len(k) != len(wavCoeff2): raise Exception(("Size of 'k' doesn't match with the size of " + "wavelet coefficients")) if len(h) != len(wavCoeff2): raise Exception(("Size of 'k' doesn't match with the size of " + "wavelet coefficients")) k2 = k h2 = h for j, Dj in enumerate(wavCoeff2): SjB, Sjs = analysisCusum(Dj, k2[j]) wavCoeff2[j] = thresholdCusum(Dj, SjB, Sjs, h=h2[j]) coefficients2 = [scaleCoeff] coefficients2.extend(wavCoeff2) return coefficients2, k2, h2