Source code for miscellaneous

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**Wavelet Based in CUSUM control chart for filtering signals Project (module**
``statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous`` **):** A Miscellaneous of functions for
work with data and show wavelet coefficients

*Created by Tiarles Guterres, 2018*

[docs]def showWaveletCoeff(coefficients, filename='tmp', format='pdf', threshold_value=0, color='black', color_threshold='black', figsize=(7, 8), title=''): ''' Show and save the wavelet and scale coefficients in a plot. Parameters ---------- coeff: list of numpy.array's With in '0' position the scale coefficients. Equal to the ``pywt.wavedec()`` return. filename: string Optional, is 'tmp' by default. This is the first part of the name of the figure. format: string Optional, is 'pdf' by default. This is the last part of the name of the figure. Can be 'png', 'ps', 'eps' and 'svg' too. threshold_value: int, float or list. Optional, is 0 by default, this means that bothing new happens. Otherwise, a line in threshold value will be plotted in all wavelet coefficients plots. This value can be a list too, but they was to be the same size of wavelet coefficients (without the scale coefficient). Returns ------- void: Nothing is returned, the plots is show and save. See also -------- pywt.wavedec: Function that decomposes the signal in wavelet and scale coefficients pywt.waverec: Function that recomposes the signal from wavelet and scale coefficients filtration.filtration: Function that use this function to filter via wavelet coefficients filtration.filtrationCusum: Function that use Cumulative Sum Control Chart and some variation for filter wavelet coefficients. ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(threshold_value, (int, float, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64)): threshold_list = [threshold_value]*len(coefficients) else: threshold_list = [0] + list(threshold_value) N = len(coefficients) - 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(coefficients), 1, figsize=figsize) ax[0].set_title(title) # Scale Coefficients ax[0].plot(coefficients[0], color=color, label='$c_0$ ($c_%d$)' % N) ax[0].legend(loc=1) ax[0].grid() # Wavelet Coefficients for i in range(1, len(coefficients)): ax[i].plot(coefficients[i], color=color, label='$d_%d$ ($d_%d$)' % (i - 1, N - i + 1)) if threshold_list[i] != 0: x_min, x_max = ax[i].get_xlim() ax[i].hlines(threshold_list[i], x_min, x_max, colors=color_threshold, linestyles='dashed') ax[i].hlines(-threshold_list[i], x_min, x_max, colors=color_threshold, linestyles='dashed', label='$\\lambda$') ax[i].legend(loc=1) ax[i].grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('%s' % filename+'.'+format) return
[docs]def normalizeData(data, min=0, max=1): ''' Its almost a map function. This function normalize the data between a min and max values. Parameters ---------- data: list or array-like The values that desire normalize. min: int or float Optional, is -1 by default. The min value correspond, in the end, of the min value of data. max: int or float Optional, is 1 by default. The max value correspond, in the end, of the max value of data. Returns ------- numpy.array: The data normalized between min and max values. ''' import numpy as np data = np.array(data) new_data = data.copy() max_value = data.max() min_value = data.min() diff_pp = max_value - min_value diff_new_pp = max - min new_data = new_data - min_value new_data = new_data / diff_pp new_data = new_data * diff_new_pp new_data = new_data + min return new_data
[docs]def generateData(functions=['doppler', 'block', 'bump', 'heavsine'], varNoises=[0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.010], dim_signals=1024, n_samples_per_sig_per_noise=10000, folder='tmp'): ''' If you like to generate your dataset before run your test you can use this function to generate the data. With the 1) type of signal and 2) quantity of noise (in variance). Saves in ``.npy`` ''' from statsWaveletFilt.signals import bumpFunction, blockFunction from statsWaveletFilt.signals import dopplerFunction, heavsineFunction import numpy as np import os try: os.mkdir(folder) print('try: ', folder) except FileExistsError: pass n_it = n_samples_per_sig_per_noise functions_dic = {'doppler': dopplerFunction, 'block': blockFunction, 'bump': bumpFunction, 'heavsine': heavsineFunction} functions_dic_used = {function: functions_dic[function] for function in functions} for name, function in functions_dic_used.items(): x, y = function(dim_signals) print('|----', name) try: os.mkdir(folder+'/'+name) except FileExistsError: pass for varNoise in varNoises: counter = 0 print('|----|----', varNoise) while counter < n_it: np.random.seed(counter) noise = np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(varNoise), dim_signals) sinalNoisy = y + noise filename = './%s/%s/%f_%d.npy' % (folder, name, varNoise, counter), sinalNoisy) counter += 1