Source code for signals

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**Wavelet Based in CUSUM control chart for filtering signals Project (module**
``statsWaveletFilt.signals`` **):** Functions to evaluate the dignal fitering
process using the module ``statisticFilter`` or any kind of filtration.

*Created by Tiarles Guterres, 2018*

[docs]def for_dB_scale(x): ''' Converts x to dB scale using 10*log10(x) Parameters --------- x: int or float The value for convertion Returns ------- float: The x value converted in dB scale. ''' import numpy as np return 10*np.log10(x)
[docs]def for_real_scale(x): ''' Converts x to real scale using 10**(x/10) Parameters --------- x: int or float The value for convertion Returns ------- float: The x value converted in eal scale. ''' return 10**(x/10)
[docs]def snr_square_mean_error(currentSignal, idealSignal): ''' Calculate the SNR via the current signal and the ideal using the square mean error approach. Parameters ---------- currentSignal: 1-D array-like The signal for compare with ideal. idealSignal: 1-D array-like The ideal signal, based in the currentSignal. Returns ------- float: Mean of idealSignal by standard deviation of the noise. ''' import numpy as np (currentSignal, idealSignal) = (np.array(currentSignal), np.array(idealSignal)) return np.mean(np.power(currentSignal - idealSignal, 2))
[docs]def snr_mean_standardNoise(idealSignal, noiseSignal): ''' Calculate the SNR via ideal signal mean and standard deviation of the noise. Parameters ---------- idealSignal: 1-D array-like The ideal signal, based in the currentSignal. noiseSignal: 1-D array-like Noise apply to ideal signal, could be a initial or residual noise. Returns ------- float: Mean of idealSignal by standard deviation of the noise. ''' import numpy as np idealSignal, noiseSignal = (np.array(idealSignal), np.array(noiseSignal)) return idealSignal.mean()/noiseSignal.std()
[docs]def snr_variances(idealSignal, noiseSignal): ''' Calculate the SNR via ratio of variances of ideal signal and noise. Parameters ---------- idealSignal: 1-D array-like The ideal signal, based in the currentSignal. noiseSignal: 1-D array-like Noise apply to ideal signal, could be a initial or residual noise. Returns ------- float: Variance ratio value between the ideal and noise signals. ''' import numpy as np idealSignal, noiseSignal = (np.array(idealSignal), np.array(noiseSignal)) var_ideal = idealSignal.var() var_noise = noiseSignal.var() return var_ideal/var_noise
[docs]def cnr_amplitude_standardNoise(idealSignal, noiseSignal): ''' Calculate the CNR (contrast-to-noise ratio [1]) via the amplitude of idealSignal and standard deviation of the noise. Parameters ---------- idealSignal: 1-D array-like The ideal signal, based in the currentSignal. noiseSignal: 1-D array-like Noise apply to ideal signal, could be a initial or residual noise. Returns ------- float: Ratio of maximum distance of zero and standard deviation of the noise. ''' import numpy as np idealSignal, noiseSignal = (np.array(noiseSignal), np.array(noiseSignal)) return np.maximum(np.abs(idealSignal.max()), np.abs(idealSignal.min()))/noiseSignal.std()
[docs]def differential_snr_dB(initialSignal, finalSignal, method='square_mean_error', idealSignal=None): ''' Calculate the SNR or CNR difference between two signals: after and before filtering. Ideal signal may be used. Parameters --------- initialSignal: 1-D array-like Initial Signal, before the filtering process finalSignal: 1-D array-like Final Signal, after the filtering process method: string, optional Is 'square_mean_error' by default, other forms of calculate the SNR differential is 'mean_StandardNoise', 'variances' and 'amplitude_standardNoise'. idealSignal: 1-D array-like or 0, optional Is 0 by default, is necessary in all methods except in 'square_mean_error' method. Returns ------- float: The SNR differential value in dB. ''' import numpy as np if str(type(idealSignal)) == "<class 'NoneType'>": insertedIdeal = False idealSignal = np.zeros(initialSignal.size) else: insertedIdeal = True initialSignal, finalSignal = (np.array(initialSignal), np.array(finalSignal)) idealSignal = np.array(idealSignal) if method == 'square_mean_error': ret = for_dB_scale(snr_square_mean_error(initialSignal, finalSignal)) elif method == 'mean_StandardNoise' or \ method == 'amplitude_standardNoise' and insertedIdeal: noise = initialSignal - idealSignal residuo = finalSignal - idealSignal ret = for_dB_scale(noise.std()/residuo.std()) elif method == 'variances' and insertedIdeal: noise = initialSignal - idealSignal residuo = finalSignal - idealSignal ret = for_dB_scale(noise.var()/residuo.var()) else: raise('Not found method or idealSignal isn\'t inserted!') return ret
[docs]def dopplerFunction(dim=1024, normalize=True, fq=0): ''' Generate the Doppler function in a range of 0 to 1, with dim points. Parameters ---------- dim: int Dimension of the signal. normalize: bool, optional It is True by default. This parameter normalize the data values in a range of 0 to 1 with a function present in ``statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous``. fq: int or float, optional It is 0 by default. With this default value the original doppler, shown by Donoho [1] will be used. Returns ------- tuple: [0] 1-D array-like, coordinates in X axis and [1] 1-D array-like, coordinates in Y axis References ---------- .. [1] DONOHO, D. L.; JOHNSTONE, I. M. Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, v. 81, p. 425–455, 1994. ''' import numpy as np import statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous as misc linspace = np.linspace sin = np.sin pi = np.pi sqrt = np.sqrt x = linspace(0, 1, dim) e = 0.05 if fq == 0: y = sqrt(x*(1 - x))*sin(2*pi*(1 + e)/(x + e)) else: y = sqrt(x*(1 - x))*sin(2*fq*pi*(1 + e)/(x + e)) if normalize: y_nor = misc.normalizeData(y) else: y_nor = y return (x, y_nor)
[docs]def heavsineFunction(dim=1024, normalize=True, heavs = 0): ''' Generate the Heavsine function in a range of 0 to 1, with dim points. Parameters ---------- dim: int Dimension of the signal. normalize: bool, optional It is True by default. This parameter normalize the data values in a range of 0 to 1 with a function present in ``statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous``. heavs: int or float, optional It is 0 by default. This parameter, called * heavs * is the number of discontinuities in the heavens characteristic signal shown by Donoho [1] with 0 the signal will be the original, used in [1]. Returns ------- tuple: [0] 1-D array-like, coordinates in X axis and [1] 1-D array-like, coordinates in Y axis References ---------- .. [1] DONOHO, D. L.; JOHNSTONE, I. M. Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, v. 81, p. 425–455, 1994. ''' import numpy as np import statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous as misc linspace = np.linspace sin = np.sin signal = np.sign pi = np.pi x = linspace(0, 1, dim) if heavs == 0: y = 4*sin(4*pi*x) - signal(x - 0.3) - signal(0.72 - x) else: y = 4*sin(4*pi*x) for i in range(heavs): if i % 2: y -= signal(x - np.random.random()) else: y += signal(x - np.random.random()) if normalize: y_nor = misc.normalizeData(y) else: y_nor = y return (x, y_nor)
[docs]def blockFunction(dim=1024, normalize=True, ht = 0): ''' Generate the Block function in a range of 0 to 1, with dim points. Parameters ---------- dim: int Dimension of the signal. normalize: bool, optional It is True by default. This parameter normalize the data values in a range of 0 to 1 with a function present in ``statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous``. ht: int, optional It is 0 by default. The parameter called *ht* is the commutation characteristic of block signal. The default parameter will generate the signal shown in [1]. Returns ------- tuple: [0] 1-D array-like, coordinates in X axis and [1] 1-D array-like, coordinates in Y axis References ---------- .. [1] DONOHO, D. L.; JOHNSTONE, I. M. Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, v. 81, p. 425–455, 1994. ''' import numpy as np import statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous as misc linspace = np.linspace sign = np.sign array = np.array if ht == 0: h = [0, 4, -5, 3, -4, 5, -4.2, 2.1, 4.3, -3.1, 2.1, -4.2] t = array([0, 0.1, 0.13, 0.15, 0.23, 0.25, 0.40, 0.44, 0.65, 0.76, 0.78, 0.81]) else: hmax, hmin = 5, -5 h = np.random.random(ht) * np.abs(hmax - hmin) + hmin t = np.random.random(ht) x = linspace(0, 1, dim) K = lambda t: (1 + sign(t))/2 y = array([sum([h[j]*K(xi - t[j]) for j in range(len(h))]) for xi in x]) if normalize: y_nor = misc.normalizeData(y) else: y_nor = y return (x, y_nor)
[docs]def bumpFunction(dim=1024, normalize=True, wht=0): ''' Generate the Bump function in a range of 0 to 1, with dim points. Take care to the representation limits of this function is blows infinity in Y axis. Parameters ---------- dim: int Dimension of the signal. normalize: bool, optional It is True by default. This parameter normalize the data values in a range of 0 to 1 with a function present in ``statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous``. wht: int, optional It is 0 by default. The parameter called *wht* is the number of peaks characteristic of bump signal. The default parameter will generate the signal shown in [1]. Returns ------- tuple: [0] 1-D array-like, coordinates in X axis and [1] 1-D array-like, coordinates in Y axis References ---------- .. [1] DONOHO, D. L.; JOHNSTONE, I. M. Ideal spatial adaptation via wavelet shrinkage. Biometrika, v. 81, p. 425–455, 1994. ''' import numpy as np import statsWaveletFilt.miscellaneous as misc linspace = np.linspace array = np.array abs = np.abs sum = np.sum if wht == 0: h = [4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4.2, 2.1, 4.3, 3.1, 5.1, 4.2] w = [0.005, 0.005, 0.006, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.008, 0.005] # for Bumps t = array([0, 0.1, 0.13, 0.15, 0.23, 0.25, 0.40, 0.44, 0.65, 0.76, 0.78, 0.81]) else: wmin, wmax = 0.005, 0.03 hmin, hmax = 0, 5 h = np.random.random(wht) * np.abs(hmin - hmax) + hmin w = np.random.random(wht) * np.abs(wmin - wmax) + wmin t = np.random.random(wht) x = linspace(0, 1, dim) K = lambda t: (1 + abs(t))**(-4) y = array([sum([h[j]*K((xi - t[j])/w[j]) for j in range(len(h))]) for xi in x]) if normalize: y_nor = misc.normalizeData(y) else: y_nor = y return (x, y_nor)